
Established in 2018, we focus our work on the design of marine propellers. Our applications range from hydrogeneration turbines to propulsion propellers, in open-water or nozzle and even sometime in tube.

Our propellers are used on a large scale and on the most demanding application : for example the fleet of IMOCA racing monohull rely for their energy on various shapes of hydrogeneration turbines designed by us, where we made our best to maintain a low drag with high energy output.

generation propeller for sailing cargo ship
high speed generation propeller for racing sailing boat

We offer marine propeller expertise to Marine Architects

  • selection of optimal propeller in the well-known B-series for preliminary studies
  • design of custom propeller to enhance efficiency / cavitation issues / durability issues
  • propeller design for electrical propulsion :
    this is especially of importance for battery-driven applications where a good propeller can increase the range of typically 8% compared to standard series, with improved cavitation margin.

Numerical Tools

We have developed our own solutions to answer the problematic of design of marine propellers. The first motivation was to develop our own propeller turbines to make electricity on single-handed racing sailing boats, for Vendee-Globe competition.

1/ Lifting Line design code : running such code is our first step when creating a new propeller. Written in Julia / Python and based on various PhD Thesis and the OpenProp approach [ Brenden Epps and Richard Kimball (2013) ] it takes the input parameters and outputs a geometric table of the desired propeller.

We have developed a very specific knowledge brick to manage the case of the hydrogeneration case : that is the optimization of propeller for energy harvesting versus its drag.

This theory is however versatile and can handle the more common propulsion case where the Thrust is specified and the Torque has to be minimized, or Kaplan propellers in forced stream.

With changing the fluid parameters, we were even able to design efficient propellers for other fields of application, for example for small-scale wind-turbine.

It outputs a description of the geometry of the desired propeller as a discrete table, but is not compatible as it with CAD tools and manufacturing process.

2/ 3D geometry generation : the second step to create the propeller is to “translate” the geometry table into a CAD shape. Based on a work to redefine the NACA sections into modern NURBS definitions, we are able to generate smooth and CAD-friendly shapes with good curvature continuity. This revealed mandatory to be able to alter the final shape ( e.g. to add fillets at the root ) in a robust way and allow automated CFD optimization.

Wind blade with sinusoidal trailing edge

3/ CFD validation : we have developed a specific workflow with OpenFOAM solver to compute any propeller shape in open-water conditions. Some of our propellers have been tested in towing tanks allowing to check the accuracy of design and computations.

4/ CFD optimization : we are able to run optimization sets on specific parameters to maximize the efficiency and account 3D flow effects

5/ Global optimization : propellers are not intended to work alone and not always at the same operating point. That’s why we have developped skills to run global optimization processes. Including motor / generator efficiency map, or usage scenarii, we are able to design a propeller that will outperform globally on its use, not only for a specific case.

Latest Work

Electrical passengers boat propeller design

We’ve recently designed a customized propeller for naval architects L2O naval Their project is a hybrid sail + electric boat that carries passengers on regular lines in Brittany. Since the boat is battery-powered, a propeller optimization has been carried to outperform the best available traditional B-series propeller. The gains are following : Cavitation maps comparison …

Hydrogeneration propeller design for sailing cargo : second iteration

After validation of performance of a first prototype machined in aluminium for SV GRAIN DE SAIL 2, we designed a second iteration of propeller according to bronze properties. Since it has much more strength than aluminium, bronze alloy allows thinner blade sections and an increase in performances. It helps to reduce tip cavitation as well. …

Hydrogeneration propeller design for sailing cargo ship

We designed a large scale propeller for a hydrogenerator for the sailing cargo Grain De Sail 2. The goal was to minimize the drag while producing the requested power and maintain a low cavitation despite the proximity of water surface We designed the propeller geometry which was successfully tested on a transatlantic trip France –> …


2021 : Experimental validation of the energy ship concept for far-offshore wind energy conversion



The energy ship is a new concept for offshore wind energy capture. It consists of a wind-propelled ship that generates electricity using water turbines attached underneath its hull. Since it is not grid-connected, the generated energy is stored aboard the ship (for instance, using batteries or through conversion to hydrogen using an electrolyzer). This concept has received little attention until today. Particularly, there had not been yet an experimental proof-of-concept. In order to bridge this gap, an experimental platform has been developed at Centrale Nantes. It consists of a 5.5 m long catamaran equipped with a 240 mm diameter water turbine. The platform was tested in July 2019 on the river Erdre (France). Results show that a full-scale energy ship could deliver high levels of power production (megawatts); and that it is essential to optimize the water turbine induced drag in order to maximize energy production.

2017 : Integration of ducted hydrogenerator in the hull of the maxi-trimaran SPINDRIFT2